Monday, June 30, 2008

Lotus Festival & Funco Faire

I guess everyone loves a good mystery, hence why so many people are interested in the identity of Sir Jack! I do believe we have another mystery on our hands as well.... Seems the lovely Lotus like to keep herself a mystery as well..... Can we tell who she "really" is from these pictures that she sent to me? You be the judge!

Her foot seems to have been
the LeAnne Rimes concert.

And this must be a friend of her crab
his is Sumsum (according to the email)

Yes, this was classified information
If you saw the real email,

we would have to "kill" you. =oP

So, who is the "real" mystery? Sir Jack or Lotus...... I guess we will have to wait and see......I guess we really do need to have a Lotus Festival to find out for sure.....

Funco Faire

Funco faire started about 8 years ago in the backyard of Queen Korbel and King "I didn't do it". At that time, there were no faires during the summer months and the Drunken Dragons were having "faire withdrawl". So they all got together and built the little "Shire of Barnwall". And every year we have a "private" faire known as FUNCO.

There is always lots to do at Funco, swimming in the dragon bog, drinking at the ale stand, watching a play on the stage, shopping the raffle or 50/50 shops, playing grape toss game or eating our favorite faire food like shepherd's pie.

As always, I have pics to help tell the story.....

Nothing says "party" like a good cake!

Yes, this is Funcoland
and ye be pirates about!

Shire of Barnwall
The beautious home of
Queen Korbel and King "I didn't do it"

This sign says it all.....
After all we be Drunken Dragons
"Are you worthy?"

Drunken Dragon
Funco Faire

The buildings about the shire

Good to know how many miles to

My new friend...
isnt he great!

The Queen's Shoppe

And no Funco would be complete without
Beer, smokes and an insult!

This sign really should say...

One of the many raffle prizes...
(I love this one ~ no, I didnt win it.)

Gotta have a dragon flying around

The blue shirts....( aka security)
part of the annual play

Me first mate, Hungwell was the big raffle winner...
he won a lot of stuff...
but this Dragon oath was his favorite!

Lady Eyes sporting her new
raffle hat!
She was the envy of the shire!

Lu concentrates on the grape toss...

And the ladies wait to have their cups
filled with grapes....

And the birthday girl gets one!

Then it is the men's turn...

Sifty has the moves...
but he still didnt catch the grape

HEY!! I declare shenanigans!
Those grapes still have the stems!!!

Oh yeah, Talon....
the innocent look doesn't work!

Faire always ends the same way....
with the Parade of the Dead....

After 6pm no cameras are allowed.... thats when the afterhours party starts..... thats all I have to say about that other than we always have a GREAT time!!!

The Drunken Dragons have a saying for those who can't attend our functions........


Since you all have lived the dragon life thru this photo~journal...then you must be worthy!!!

I hope you have enjoyed it... I know we DO!!!!

I am off to bed.... and then to see a horse about a bank robber! *tee hee*

Enjoy your Monday......



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shakenbsis said...

I'll ask Sir, how did yo get squished?

lawgirl said...

Hi Shakes. I took awhile getting over here. I was reading the times of the posts and thought they were old because they show up in Cali time.

~Minxie~ said...

Hi lawgirl ane suz... glad you are here!!!! I will have a great blog for tomorrow.... wont be able to get it done for a couple of hours.... sorry guys!!!!

One of my fav moments was when JD was leaving the filming area in his truck..... I was the ONLY one standing near the exit gate.... as they drove by, I waved.... he didnt roll down the window, but I could see him and Jerry waving back at me!!! THAT was MY moment!!!

shakenbsis said...

hee hee tiff! I did that too before, really threw me! LOL

CaptainJack said...

aw Vicky, you're a doll. We would have loved to have both been there.

Don't let Minxie forget she said I was out on rental to you for a bit if we ever do get out that way together lol

Blaznfire911 said...

*sighs* I am so glad for you!

It melted my heart to hear that you got your moment!

I was like....finally...there it is!

shakenbsis said...

Oh Minxie... *sigh*
that makes me so happy...

Blaznfire911 said...

Oh thats right! My own rent a depp!!!

Osh said...

there are reports he was wearing his blue glasses, tattered jeans, blue checkered shirt tied about the waist and a blue t-shirt, can you confirm or deny?

CaptainJack said...

Rent A there's a career move for me...hmmm lol

shakenbsis said...

Take your time Minxie, don't rush on our account... Savor every moment! LOL

Blaznfire911 said...

LOL I am coining the phrase right now!



~Minxie~ said...

I have to load the pics from 2 different cameras and then edit them for size copyright etc....

Dharma and Kat have pics and video that I will have to get in a few days..... but I will get mine up tonight.... if it takes me all night...

shakenbsis said...

better than Rent a Wreck! I remember those out in Cali!

lawgirl said...

I'd like to rent a Depp

-Sir Jack said...

Shakes love, I was run over by Johnny's car...I was trying to give Minxie a big hug. Then I was trampled by Minxie's excited friends who were trying to hear Minxie's stories. Captain Jack and Blazn' rescued me!!

It's just another day on Minxie's blog!! *leans against wall & swigs rum & smiles*

Blaznfire911 said...

Oh, and to add to the small talk....I am burnt to a crisp! My poor old british skin can't take it!

shakenbsis said...

one Depp for me too, please...

shakenbsis said...

so sorry Sir, were we rough on you???

CaptainJack said...

For some reason, I don't think it would be wise to loan myself out as a Rent A Depp....back when I did young Elvis, some people wanted me to strip....(no, I didn't!)I could imagine what they might ask now that I'm a Deppalike lol

Yikes lol

Blaznfire911 said...

Well here's a funny story!

I was standing outside an incecream store in iron River last summer. A little boy started coughing from a freezer headache, and I screamed "I KNOW CPR"

He obviuosly didn't need it, the family laughed at me, and I ran back to the car.

it is not the first time I have yelled that LOL

Glad I could be of assistance Sir!

shakenbsis said...

I LOVE this place!

lawgirl said...

Vic-sorry you were abandoned by your friends. Mitch & I got such a late start we figured you must have gone already.

shakenbsis said...

I smile sooo big when I'm over here...

Blaznfire911 said...

LOL Captain! I would NEVER ask you to do that.

Hmmmmm now I am thinking about that ! LOL Just kidding!

But if you do make it up get to go with me all over the place! Esp to work LOL

We'll make them go nuts!! LOL

shakenbsis said...

Good one Doc!

CaptainJack said...

LOL - Now we have Take A Depp To Work Day. Nice lol

The ideas for furthering my career are endless it seems lol

Blaznfire911 said...

Awww it's ok Tiff. I was just leaving when I ran into you at Strawberry fest.

The sad fact is, that NONE of them have bothered to call or email me to find out what happened to me.

I don't think that I will be hanging out with them anymore.

Blaznfire911 said...

Take a depp to work day! OMG OMG OMG!! TFF!!!!!

You are cracking me up!!!!

-Sir Jack said...

No Shakes, don't be was fun...I encounter this quite often here on the blog. LOL
*looks down*
Oh look a blood stain on my shirt. LMAO *big pirate smile*

Osh said...

ha ha Vicky, look here
at this message board

shakenbsis said...

Yeah, that would be great, Vicky!
I've told all my friends I've been seeing Johnny, but they don't believe me!!!!

lawgirl said...

That sucks. They are probably feeling guilty. Stick with friends who stick with you!!

Osh said...

Shakes was going to do CPR on me once, while I was driving.

CaptainJack said...

LOL Vicky, you just have such wonderful ideas. Now if I could actually make extra moola off these gems, that'd be special! :)

shakenbsis said...

sucks to be them Doc!

Thanks Sir!

lawgirl said...

Osh-that's cool. You'll have to say hello to them.

shakenbsis said...

I would done it too if you hadn't FINALLY taken a BREATH!

~Minxie~ said...

Sir Jack, love.... you were my co-pilot all the way to the race track!!!

I feel so lucky, maybe I should buy a lotto ticket!!! :)

Blaznfire911 said...

OMG osh we are famous again LOL

lawgirl said...

Geez, you guys are typing so fast. I meant my last comment in response to the message board. Not that Shakes needed you to do CPR on her.

Blaznfire911 said...

Captain! I am free for idea planning, and moola making LOL

Osh said...

Vicky, I don't have any girlfriends in call me whenever you want to do something. I will go to any fesitival you want.

Blaznfire911 said...

LOL Tiff! We do go fast over here!

Sometimes it is hard to keep up!

Sir Jack - You putting up pics of your trip for tomorrow?

Osh said...

but I have the sense of humor!

~Minxie~ said...

I really have to thank Dharma and Kat for being with me.... and taking pics and video as well!!!! They were great!!!!

And of course my insider, "Robey" who made it possible for me to get where I needed to go... and even suggested that I eat from the "Kraft" truck...(I didnt).... he was so cool!!!

-Sir Jack said... could start a "debt-free" business...

Deep in Depp?

Blaznfire911 said...

Awww thanks Osh! Like Tiff said...stick with friends who stick with you!

I was so upset yesterday. Then today I feel like a superstar because our friend Minxie had the time of her life!

Blaznfire911 said...

I would have TOTALLY eaten from the truck LMAO

shakenbsis said...

Tiffany! LOL I really did almost have to do CPR on Osh while she was driving!!

lawgirl said...

Shakes, was that befo9re or after Vic's toilet experience?

Osh said...

Well, I hope we all stick together! I know I plan on sticking with The Kurth on Fridays...and Betty has become so important in our (Evan and I ) life, I can't imagine not staying close and you too Vicky and Tiff...and everybody

and Jerry is no where to be found

-Sir Jack said...

Minx, you'll have to tell about me being your co-pilot sometime...

I'm really really happy for you and everyone who has gotten to meet JD.
I wish I had met him too, then I'd also know about the "Depp effect".

shakenbsis said...

I know!! Isn't it amazing how things can turn around so fast Doc!!! It's all rainbows now!

lawgirl said...

How'd that 9 get in there?

CaptainJack said...

Sir - Deep in Depp...interesting. But that might get them to thinking about having me strip again. No thanks! lolol

Blaznfire911 said...

Minxie was our co-pilot on the way down to St anne. It's too bad we couldn't get her pic with JD....but this is SO much better!

Just think about all the hits you'll get after you post this LOL

Osh said...

She did Tiff...she almost killed me and then almost had to save my life all within minutes! Shakes and Evan had a practical joke planned and it backfired.

shakenbsis said...

before the toilet! when We went to Indiana and I almost killed her (figured I'd better revive he too since she was DRIVING)

CaptainJack said...

Oh yes Vicky, I'm sure her hits will be into the stratosphere when those pics go up! lol

Blaznfire911 said...

I still like rent a depp LOL

A couple more min and then I have to go. Big day strawberry picking with my mom....again.

but I will be here for a bit.

lawgirl said...

Details, details(about the joke and the CPR).

Blaznfire911 said...

When I first posted a JD hits went from 35 to 1000 in a day LOL

shakenbsis said...

I can't keep up either Tiff!!! I'm laughing soo hard... Are the Jack's heads spinning yet???
We are a bit frantic!!

lawgirl said...

I have to say, this is the most fun I've had sitting at my computer!

Osh said...

almost dying on the road trip

Blaznfire911 said...

LOL It is ALWAYS fun on Minxie's blog! Esp with the jacks around!

shakenbsis said...

yes Johnny does wonders for your teraffic :)

shakenbsis said...

there ya go Oshy, conserve nergy!

CaptainJack said...

LOL head's alright so far - just trying to keep up, keep my ciggie lit and drink a Coke all while navigating with my laptop. Its allll good lol

Blaznfire911 said...

I almost killed Tiffany and me 3 times on the way to Lockport!

At the fair yesterday there was a booth set up just for people who are annoyed with drivers in Illinois! LOL

It was called "Illinoising"

it had t-shirts and hats with funny sayings on them LOL

shakenbsis said...

Good thing you're a multi-tasking type Pirate, Captain!

lawgirl said...

OMG!! That sounds pretty crazy. Much crazier than how Vicky almost killed us(Just kidding Vicky).

CaptainJack said...

Awww thanks sure know how to make two Jack's feel all squishy and warm inside :) lol

~Minxie~ said...

Lawgirl.... we have TONS of fun on this blog!!!! Thats exactly what its here for!!! Please do join us any time.... we would love you to join us!!!!

Captain, still here?

Osh said...

now that I realized we can html in the comments I am all happy!

Blaznfire911 said...


Oh wait...I am smoking LOL

Sorry bout that!

-Sir Jack said...

Well, glad to be part of the fun my loves!! I always have fun on Commodore Minxie's ship!! Especially with ALL my loves!!

shakenbsis said...

tat's funny Doc, I want one and I'm from IL (many moons ago)

Osh said...

well, knowing Vicky, she probably really did almost kill you for real.


CaptainJack said...

LOL Blazn....I just try to make it look easy. When in reality, I'm having kinda a tough time of it. Shhhhh....tell noone lol

CaptainJack said...

Yes Minxie my darling, I'm right here bantering away :)

shakenbsis said...

yeah, when I set out to kill someone, I do it right!

Osh said...

remember when we thought Sir Jack was JP? We were so dumb.

shakenbsis said...

LMAO!!! You ALL are TFF!!!

shakenbsis said...

I don't even care that I cna't keep up! or spell!!!

-Sir Jack said...

Oshy, so who do you think I am today love?

Blaznfire911 said...

LOL Captain! I try to hide it, but I cannot. I do try to not smoke around kids though.. When we were at filming , I kept walking under the barrier to smoke. The security gaurd told me to go back over, but I requested to stay where I was till I was done. I felt bad, but he let me stay till I was finished.

here is the link to the Illinoising website...TFF

shakenbsis said...

I think you're Prince Charming! Sir!

Osh said...

I have no idea Jacky

CaptainJack said...

Did I say I was drinking a Coke? At 1:00 AM? *looks at Minxie and hides the coke can*

I mean, I'm enjoying a nice cold glass of healthy WATER...yeah...water :) That's it. hehheh

-Sir Jack said...

Shaaaakes! Darn it you made me blush...again!! Ok, do it again...

Blaznfire911 said...

I just hurt my poor tooth! I have been eating kettle corn none stop for 2 days, and a kernel got stuck, and I pulled it out, and left a HUGE gap in my gums!!!! OUCHY!

Blaznfire911 said...

Coke at 1am????? LOL

That's ok I just had a coffee.

CaptainJack said...

*drools* I want kettle corn!!!

*pouts in Vicky's general direction*

lawgirl said...

You've got to watch that Kettle Corn!! It's good stuff, though.

Blaznfire911 said...

Aww don't pout!

*Throws a couple pieces the captain's way*

-Sir Jack said...

*hands can to Vix*
Here love, you need some of this...
"Gum Spackle"
*smiles & runs away*

Blaznfire911 said...

Kettle corn is dangerous, and my hubby hates it. So now I am FORCED to eat the whole bag!!

Blaznfire911 said...

Woo hoo!! I got 200 and 300 tonight!!

~Minxie~ said...

LMAO!!! I was just gonna ask about your water!!!!!

Any ideas on what pics to send to Rod? I want something special for him since he is the reason I have so many great friends in WI!!! ie JD alone, JD filming.... etc.... and I want Karen @ JDR to have something special as well.... she is the reason I found Rods blog.... and the Captain is the reason I found JDR.... I have something VERY special for you LOVE!!! ;)

CaptainJack said...

Shhhh Vicky. Keep it down love... *points at the Commodore sneakily and whispers*

I'm having water, remember??? ;)

Blaznfire911 said...

LOL SIR! Just what i needed!

Osh said...

Minxie, tell us more about Jerry and his role!

shakenbsis said...

Sir! heeee.....

Cap - No coke for me... I'm going back for the other half of my BIG juicy ruby-red grapefruit!
i'm a freak...

CaptainJack said...

Ohhhh! *smiles at Minxie*

Something special for lil ol meeee?? ;)

Blaznfire911 said...

LOL Captain BUSTED!!!

Well maybe just one of them filming, or standing around Minx.

You have a message in 1 min!

Osh said...

Well Minxie, send them to me and I will tell which to send to whom

-Sir Jack said...

But a really wonderful freak you are Shakes.

Sorry, I'm tired and getting punchy/freaky!!

CaptainJack said...

*stuffs his face with kettle corn!*
Thanks Vicky! Love this stuff!

OUCH! Dangerous on the gums though huh? lol Been there a few times myself....feel for ya lol

shakenbsis said...

punchy/freaky... it's all good!

CaptainJack said...

Shakes, do you know I've never eaten a grapefruit? Had the juice, but not grapefruit. You'd never guess I was a native Floridian huh? lol

Blaznfire911 said...


Glad you enjoyed them! It is so addicting!

Minxie - Sorry for all the emails I sent ya! I just got excited!

shakenbsis said...

now I'm blushing!

shakenbsis said...

That hit my funny bone Captain! LOL I can't quit laughing...

Kinda like when Vicky sat on the ___!!!! LMFAO!!!!!

-Sir Jack said...

Capt'n- try this, try peeling a grapefruit so it will seem more like a really big pink orange...then eat it.

shakenbsis said...

my abs are gonna be sore agian tomorrow!

Blaznfire911 said...

Well all, it's been a blast! I will have to blog this out tomorrow.

I will be gone most of the day, and night though.

Strawberry picking in the AM, and my hubbies mom is getting married at 4pm!!! Then a reception at a local restaurant. His mom and soon to be step dad have been together for 21 years, and are finally taking the plunge!! They are getting married at the courthouse and I am playing photographer!

Good night everyone!

Minxie - I am just so happy for you I could burst!

Osh said...

le douche

shakenbsis said...

WAAAAY better than the juice!

Blaznfire911 said...


I will NEVER use that loo again!

lawgirl said...

Good night Vicky. Enjoy your day tomorrow!!

CaptainJack said...

Goodnight Vicky! Thanks for the Kettle Corn and all the great career ideas for my Deppalike career lol :)

Pleasant dreams!

-Sir Jack said...

Have fun at the wedding Vixen!! You'll have to post some of the photos!! Sleep well my love!

shakenbsis said...

Nite dear Doc! Have FUN tomorrow!

shakenbsis said...

stillll LMAO!

CaptainJack said...

I guess I will need to try an actual grapefruit one fine day, huh? Which kind is best? There are several right?

*yeah, listen to the idiot Floridian who knows nothing about grapefruits!* lol

Blaznfire911 said...

Thanks you guys! I am just finishing up a few things, then off to bed!


Seriously....I had nightmares about that toilet!

lawgirl said...

I love the word "loo." But not as much as I love the word brolly(remember Shakes when your boyfriend said, "don't put away your brollies."

shakenbsis said...

I like the big ruby red! It's sweeter than the others

shakenbsis said...

how could I forget Tiff!!! (be still my heart)

Blaznfire911 said...

Title for my blog tomorrow:

Depp adventure, a wedding, and a toilet!

I think that makes for a pretty good movie title!

-Sir Jack said...

Ruby's are great...deep pink and yummy mate!!

lawgirl said...

Vicky-you just can't stay away, can you??

shakenbsis said...

I knew it was gonna be all good after that!!!

Sorry Doc to be laughing agian at your expense, but it wa somply priceless... Sleep well love!

-Sir Jack said...

I like that Vix!! Go for it love!

CaptainJack said...

Alright, two votes for the ruby. I'll let ya know when I get one and what my thoughts are :) Thanks guys!

Osh said...

I still have a hard time understanding people are actually born in Florida...Florida just seems like a place to go. We always went to Florida...It just never seems like a place to really live. And yet my bio dad lives there. Maybe that is why.

I'm tired.

goodnight all!

shakenbsis said...

great title! (I mean hook!) LOL

lawgirl said...

Goodnight Osh.

shakenbsis said...

i recommend Chilled, Cap!

Nite Oshy!

Blaznfire911 said...


OK, now I am going for real nitey nite all!


-Sir Jack said...

G'nite Oshy! I'll put up more Little Bo on my blog tomorrow!!
Sleep well!!

CaptainJack said...

I love gorgeous Florida...beautiful, tropical, and home. :) Most of my family still lives there...I haven't been back in awhile and actually getting homesick for it.

shakenbsis said...

OMG... I think I'm gonna have to pass out too... Can't tell you how much I wan to hang out though... Dreaded real world, crashing minxies party like that!

~Minxie~ said...

Hey.... is it wrong to post the "filming" pics? You know the "Universal owns them thing" Damn! Decisions... decisions..... torn I am!

CaptainJack said...

Goodnight Osh!! Sleep well!

-Sir Jack said...

Are you a Norther or Souther FL Capt'n?

shakenbsis said...

Were you in the South Cap'n?

lawgirl said...

Goodnight Shakes.

shakenbsis said...

I'm sooo glad you get to ask that question Minxie!!!! Yippee, it's a great dilemma to have!

SJ - we're on the same page, scarey

shakenbsis said...

nite Tiff!

lawgirl said...

Minx, it's not my area of expertise, but I would think that if you were allowed to be there, and were allowed to take pics, then it should not be a problem.

Please be advised that this is not legal advise.

CaptainJack said...

I be from Tampa, Florida...on the west coast of the state. :)

shakenbsis said...

OH! poor Lotus is missing all the fun... ;(

~Minxie~ said...

Good night Osh.... sleep well.... great JD dreams!

Good night Vicky..... love ya girl!!!!

CaptainJack said...

But I live in....

Alabama. :( lol

shakenbsis said...

OH Tampa!
I usd to live in Pensacola for a year, but I think that's more like Alabama except for the beauty gulf beaches.

-Sir Jack said...

*wipes a tear*
I miss our Lotus!
I hope you're having fun up north!!

~Minxie~ said...

Lawgirl.... no legal advise... got it! I was allowed to be there... but pics were prohibited.... there are a few that were taking "during" filming..... just dont want to piss off anyone.... I know there have been TONS of pics taken during filming that have come to the internet... but I am not one to want to upset anyone....

shakenbsis said...

I like Alabama too, have fun friends in Mobile and some inthe Bayou...

-Sir Jack said...

How did you end up in Alabama Cap?

lawgirl said...

i would say probably don't post them. You can share them via email if you want people to see them. That way, everyone is happy.

-Sir Jack said...

Minxie, I hear your instinct saying...I better wait!!

shakenbsis said...

I'm just so stinkin happy you got to be there and GET to ask the Question!!! yahoooooo!

CaptainJack said...

LOL Shakes....

Alabama is beautiful in its own "down home southern" way.
I prefer Georgia. Florida tops them both, but that's just an opinion - ya know how that goes. ;)

I'd like Alabama fine if I lived in a place with more to do. I'm almost 35 miles from the nearest movie theatre. Out here, we have chicken farms and truck stops. Not high on my list of fun sight-seeing attractions, ya know? lol

~Minxie~ said...

Oh... and I have a feeling that I am the only one who will have the pics from todays filming.... so that scares me too.....

lawgirl said...

You can't stay away either, huh Shakes?

CaptainJack said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
~Minxie~ said...

Thanks for the suggestion..... I will only post the ones during the "breaks" and "rehersal" then.... damn.... a couple of the horse racing shots are great!!! And of course the "kiss" shot!!!!

I just want to do the "right" thing and make sure I dont step on anyone's toes....

shakenbsis said...

I hear you Captian!

Yes Tiffany, this is a hard place to leave, so welcoming and all...

Thank you MInxie!!!!

-Sir Jack said...

Minxie... I wouldn't post them...I'd wait. Post the ones that aren't on set for now.

CaptainJack said...

Minxie I just can't wait to see your friend's video of you talking to Johnny....that's gonna be friggin' awesome!!

shakenbsis said...

Minx! You can always use the 'Grace Hopper Adage' "It's easier to say you're sorry than to ask permission"

~Minxie~ said...

Thanks Shakes.... its all because of you all that I even decided to try my luck .... and it paid off! I thank you all from the bottom of my heart!!!! You all helped make this happen for me!!!

I can still smell JD's cologne on me..... LOL.... I am a sick puppy!!! LMAO!

-Sir Jack said...

Well Capt'n I'm glad you are with friends who feel the same. LOL

shakenbsis said...

Me too, Captain!

shakenbsis said...

omg, minx.....
You can smell his cologne???

~Minxie~ said...

I am sooooooo looking forward to getting Kat's video!!! Even though she turned the camera, which will make for interesting viewing, it will be GREAT to see it!!!!

CaptainJack said...

Yeah Sir, we're a sorry lot, all sitting around the dining room table in the morning with coffee looking out at the TRULY gorgeous scenery around us (Which we do have in abundance) bitching about the place lolol

-Sir Jack said...

Minxie, I look foward to reading your new blog and seeing your "legal" pictures later's already tomorrow. I'm sooo glad got to experience the Depp effect!

I'm leaving soon here...

-Sir Jack said...

Capt'n the rum and day are going to me head? Why do you dislike Ala so much?

shakenbsis said...

Several people have said it tonight in different ways Minxie, but it is somehow very fitting that you, who has encouraaged and supported us all through this process should get to WRAP Public Enemies with Johnny yourself!!!!!

-Sir Jack said...

Yeah Minxie, what Shakes really deserved to wrap up PE...and get nearly exclusive M&G with him!

shakenbsis said...

he hates it cuz minxie isn't there!

CaptainJack said...

Oh that's easy Sir...'Bama is about 25 years behind the times, with nothing to really do...being a guy who comes from a place that has Disneyworld, Busch Gardens, Sea World, Weeki Watchee and beautiful beaches....Alabama is sorely lacking. Also, there's the matter of the caliber of people ya find out here. The jokes about Alabama...are pretty much true lol

-Sir Jack said...

*slaps hand on forehead*
Oh, I'm so slow....

CaptainJack said...

Shakes...there you go...and Minxie is 2,500 miles away from my sorry arse :( *feels another pout coming on!*

shakenbsis said...

I love you Jacks!

CaptainJack said...

I'm speaking for Sir too when I say we Jacks love you too! lol

~Minxie~ said...

Sir Jack.... good night sleep well..... I look forward to your comments tomorrow..... thanks for everything!!!!

Shakes~ You're gonna make me cry!!! You all have been sooooo very sweet and kind to me always. I love you all for that!!!

THANK YOU ALL from the bottom of my heart!!! I dedicate my next blog to all of you!!! For sharing your experiences/pics and love with me..... this will be my gift back to you all!!!!!

-Sir Jack said...

*grabs the Captain by the shoulders*
Pull it together man!! The crew/lurkers are watching you!
Have more rum!
*passes the bottle*

shakenbsis said...

Tiffany, Minxie, Captain, Sir...

It's been a pleasure!!!!

Sweet dreams all, especially Minxie! (Oh, and me since Minxie was kind enough to share her JD time reminding Jerry of me!)

She's got a Waaayyy about her...

CaptainJack said...

Its 2:00 AM on my side of the planet...

Minxie my beauty, I'm about to head off to bed...

I can't wait to see all your pics tomorrow!!! I'm so glad you got to have your moment with JD. I was really hoping it would happen for you, babe... :)

Goodnight dearies and I hope you all sleep well tonight!

lawgirl said...

Goodnight everyone. Minxie, I am really happy you got to finally meet JD.

-Sir Jack said...

I best be going too.
Love you all too!!
*blows a kiss*
Take 'er to 400 Minxie!!
G'nite all!

shakenbsis said...

I think my ? got lost inthe sea earlier Minx... Did you wear your big hat to see Johnny?? = )

~Minxie~ said...

Captain.... call me love... need to hear your sexy voice...... ;)

Lawgirl~ thanks!!!! Please do come back and have some fun with us.....
Good night!

Shakes~ Good night .... sweet Jerry dreams love!!!

Sir Jack... good night to you as well love.... you are a doll!

~Minxie~ said...

NO Shakes love.... I did not wear the big hat.... but I DID tell him about it! :D
He got a laugh from it! I am the Commodore after all... and alas, JD is only a Captain..... =0P

shakenbsis said...

So true! Nite Love, you are 400!!!!

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